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NCERT Solutions For class 6 Social Science- Social and Political Life

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Class 6 Social Science NCERT Textbook Solutions - Free PDF download

NCERT Class 6 Social Science is one subject where students need to focus on as it can be a very scoring subject. Using an NCERT solutions guide for class 6 Social Science would make a huge difference in how the students prepare and learn for the exams. With all solved answers, multiple important notes, revision material and the added fact that they are available free of cost make Vedantu one of the most recommended study guides for Social Science class 6.

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life, are the best resources for your exam preparations. The NCERT Class 6 political science solutions will help you a great deal when it comes to understanding the subject better. These solutions are prepared by subject matter experts coming from prestigious institutions. They make solutions with a deep insight into the needs of exam preparation. You can easily download NCERT Solutions for Social and Political Life Class 6 pdfs from the Vedantu website.

Subjects like Science, Maths, English, Hindi, Social Science will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science, Maths solutions, and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths from the Vedantu website. These materials help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Detailed Overview of Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life NCERT Solutions


NCERT Solutions for Class 6


Class 6 Social Science

Subject Part

Social and Political Life

Number of Chapters:


Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science (Social and Political Life) - Chapter wise Solutions

Given below are the chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science. These solutions are provided by the Social Science experts at Vedantu in a detailed manner. Go through these chapter-wise solutions to be thoroughly familiar with the concepts.

NCERT Textbook Solutions Class 6 Social Science - Free PDF download

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science PDF covers the key points of all topics given in each chapter of the syllabus. These solutions will assist you in comprehending the topics that are vital for the exam. Students can download the comprehensive chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science from Vedantu for free and refer to them for their exam preparation. 

NCERT Solutions are sufficient not only to cover the whole CBSE syllabus but also to cover all of the fundamentals and basics of all important topics in an easy-to-understand manner. This aids students in preparing better for the exams. 

Social and Political Life Class 6 carries a lot of weightage in the SST subjects. Learning the Chapters of Civics is important for CBSE Class 6 students if they want to score good marks in the Social Science exam. To support the students in preparing for the exams excellently, we have given the NCERT solutions for class 6 civics. These NCERT Civics solutions help in a better understanding of the chapter and cover the questions from all the chapters of the NCERT textbook of Class 6. After solving the NCERT solutions of class 6 civics, students will be able to learn the complicated concepts better.

There are 9 chapters that are comprehensively covered in class 6 civics. You can easily download the pdf of political science class 6 NCERT from Vedantu's site. The source for doing exam preparation in just the right way is required.

Taking a look at the chapters in the NCERT class 6 Social and Political Life, the first one, understanding diversity talks about the various types of cultural and individual differences that are present within this country. It is important to develop this sense of respect for diversity that exists within our society. The next chapter is a continuation of the first one, talking about the discrimination in diversity and how it has affected populations.

The next two chapters introduce a very important element of the society called the government. This chapter talks about the need for a government, its functions, roles and purpose, elements of a democratic government and how it all works seamlessly. Chapter 5 is an interesting topic, Panchayati Raj. The introduction to the system of governance in rural areas is of great importance and is followed to this date. The rural administration is also introduced in the next chapter with concepts like patwari, tehsildar, and their separate roles.

Urban administration introduces the students to municipal corporations and their duties. Chapter 8 covers rural livelihood, which basically talks about the main occupations, source of income, lifestyle, problems faced, and how they overcome it. The last topic, urban livelihood is important as it discusses the types of employment in urban areas. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Civics Book All Chapters Outline

Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity

This chapter concentrates on different perspectives of diversity. In this chapter, students understand the meaning of diversity as a fact of being human and understanding diversity thoroughly. Understanding diversity is all regarding understanding these individual differences along the dimensions of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, and other faiths.

Diversity in India: India is a country of vast diversity meaning people here belong to different religions. People speak 21 languages, celebrate various festivals, and eat different types of food. Diversity is a reality shaped by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical variations.

Factors Influencing Diversity: Historical and geographical parts are the two factors that determine the diversity of a region. The life of people near the sea is separate from the people in a mountainous area.

Chapters Also Cover the Deep Study of Ladakh and Kerala

  • Ladakh is a desert in Jammu and Kashmir's north-eastern mountainous region. Since this region does not receive sufficient rainfall and is covered in snow for the majority of the year, agriculture is limited. During the summer months, people rely on the melting water from the mountains for drinking water.

  • Kerala is a state in India's southwestern zone. It is encircled on one side by the sea and on the other by the hills. In this region, a variety of spices are grown. The traders were attracted to this area because of the spices. The first people to arrive were Jews and Arabs.

Chapter 2: Diversity and Discrimination

This is a continuation of chapter 1, where students get knowledge on Prejudice and Inequality upon diversity, understanding multiple identities in oneself, and how the Constitution enforces us to respect diversity. The students will be able to distinguish between diversity and inequality after this chapter. The chapter also describes the harmful outcomes of stereotypical thoughts, inequality, and discrimination.

  • When India became a nation in 1947 our leaders too were worried about the various sorts of inequalities that subsisted.

  • Leaders set a concept and aim in the Constitution to secure that all the people of India were counted equal such as:

  •  Untouchability is viewed as a crime and has been legally prohibited by law.

  •  Government jobs are permitted to all people.

  • People have the independence to follow their religion, speak their language, celebrate their festivals, and have the right to education.

NCERT Class 6 Social and Political Life

Chapter 3: What is Government?

This chapter gives students the essential purpose of government creation in India and the need for government. Also, understand various forms of government.

A government is a system or group of people with the right to administer a country or state. The Government is essentially liable for making government policy for a whole society. The government can be of various kinds–democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, dictatorship, and so on.

Need for a Government:

  • The government is needed to retain peace in a nation.

  • Government arranges facilities for the public like streets, power, conduits, railroads, wellbeing and sanitation, and so forth.

  • The government even secures external hostility and manages to keep up the solidarity and uprightness of the nation.  

  • The government in any country operates at different levels that are central, state, and local. 

  • The central government sees after the nation, states after the cities, and locally operates after the villages and towns.

NCERT Solutions Class 6 SST Civics

Chapter 4: Key Elements of a Democratic Government

This chapter is interconnected to chapter 3. It outlines democratic government functions, and how the ordinary people take part in them. The chapter gives the importance of solving conflicts by democratic means and the necessity for equality and justice.

  • The people are playing an essential role in the precise functioning of the democratic government, which involves the election and working with the decision-making responsibilities of the government.

  • In a democratic country, people choose their vote to elect a representative. They decide on behalf of the people. Here, people have the right to participate in the decision-making procedure of the government.

  • People communicate their opinions in various ways like dharnas, rallies, strikes, and signature campaigns.

  • The essential idea of the democratic government is its involvement in two parts: equality and justice.

  • Conflicts occur when people of various religions, cultures, or economic frameworks do not get along with each other and they use violent steps to set their conflicts. Government supports people in resolving the conflict.

  • Active citizenship signifies being aware of one’s rights and responsibilities as a citizen, the responsibility of a citizen does not end with the election of the government. The citizens should be active and alert so that the government does not become unaccountable.

  • Mass media notifies people of different government policies and also describes public opinion on these policies.

  • The police are responsible to keep peace and security in society. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics

Chapter 5 : Panchayati Raj

In this political science class 6, you will understand what happens after people choose their representatives and how decisions are made in rural areas. Also, you will read about three levels of Panchayat that are Gram Panchayat (village level), Panchayat Samiti (block level), and Zila Parishad (district level).  

In India, the Panchayati Raj acts as a system of governance in which gram panchayats are the basic units of the local authority. This system, validated in 1992 by the 73rd amendment to the Indian Constitution.

The Connection Between the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat is as Follows

  • The Gram Sabha is the group of people where all the plans for the work of the Gram Panchayat are set policies before the people.

  • The members of the Gram Sabha elected the members of the Gram Panchayat only.

  • The Gram Sabha permits the work done by the Gram Panchayat of performing development programs for all the villages that come under it.

Political Science NCERT class 6

Chapter 6: Rural Administration

You will read about the role of police in rural administration. You will understand patwari and its role in maintaining rural administration. Also, understand the work of tehsildar, and how they collaborate to assure good governance and justice for all in the rural areas. 

Work Process of The Police: 

  • To control law and order in its area.

  • To record cases of robberies, accidents, injuries, fights, etc.

  • To study, investigate, and take action on the cases within its area.

 Work of a Patwari Includes: 

  • Patwari regulates land and retains land records.

  • He creates the list of land revenue from the farmers and gives information to the government regarding the crops grown in the area.

Work Process of a Tehsildar: 

  • To oversee the work of Patwaris.

  • To resolve land disputes.

  • And, to get revenue collected.

NCERT Political Science Class 6

Chapter 7: Urban Administration

In this chapter, the students will learn how urban administration performs a significant role in providing basic facilities like water and electricity. It explains in detail the functions and responsibilities of urban administration. The students will read that municipal corporations carry out urban administration duties.

The Urban Administration in India is the duty of the Municipal Corporations or a Municipal council.

  • In the urban areas the Municipal Corporation is the body that is reliable for various activities such as street lights, garbage collecting, supplying water, keeping the roads and the markets clean, making gardens, and maintaining them.

  • The Municipal Corporation is also responsible for ensuring that diseases do not spread in the city.

  • In the smaller towns it is named a Municipal Council.

  • The city is classified into various wards and ward councillors get elected.

  • The decisions, like where a park or a new hospital needs to go are normally made by the Ward Councillors.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Political Science

Chapter 8 Rural Livelihoods

In this political science NCERT class 6, you will understand the important ways by which people in rural areas earn their livelihood. Moreover, understand what are the difficulties that people in rural areas are facing when it comes to having a constant source of income and the different actions taken by the government to change the condition of the people. 

  • Almost two-fifth of all provincial families are agrarian workers in India. 

  • This involves some who own small plots of land whereas others are landless. 

  •  People don’t own their land or property and work for larger landowners in their fields to adjust their living. 

  • A large number of farmers have changed their profession to moneylending, trading, small factories, etc.

  • Besides farming, various people belonging to the rural areas rely on collection from the forest, animal husbandry, dairy produce, fishing, and so forth.

  • People belonging to different rural regions and villages of the country grow various crops. 

  •  But there are manifold similarities in their lifestyle and in the issues that they face.

  • In rural areas, some classes rely on large areas of the property, trade, business, and many activities for earning. 

  • Many small farmers, agricultural workers, fishermen, craftsmen do not succeed to find enough opportunities to hold their work steady. 

  • In most cases, small farmers usually have to borrow cash from traders and moneylenders to buy seeds and accessories for farming.

NCERT Civics class 6 Solutions

Chapter 9: Urban Livelihoods

In this chapter, you will see how people living in the city manage to earn their livelihood. It demonstrates to you various forms of employment and concepts of self-employment and the risks involved in it.

  • There are more than 5,000 towns and 27 big cities in India.

  • Big cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, etc., have more than a million people residing and working there.

  • Cities’ streets are always ringing with activity. Vegetable vendors, flower sellers, newspaper vendors, auto-rickshaws, cobblers, barbershops, pushing carts, cycle trolleys, rickshaw pullers, etc., are there in the city.

  • Vendors sell things that are often made at home by their families who buy, clean, sort, and make them ready to sell.

  • Several people are involved in factories, such as garment factories. They work as a casual labourer. Jobs on an infrequent basis are not permanent, having no protection, no proper facility for any mishappening, for old age, medical facilities, etc.

Advantages of Solving NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Civics

Some of the advantages of solving NCERT solutions for Civics Class 6 are as mentioned below:

  • This NCERT Solution for Class 6th Civics is made by experts and covers all the topics from NCERT books.

  • Students can develop their understanding of concepts of the subject with these NCERT Solutions Class 6 SST civics

  • The NCERT Solutions are the best source for students to qualify for the exams.

  • All the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Political Life have been created as per the latest syllabus, emphasising the major topics.

  • Solving these questions gives the students an edge with practical questions.

  • All NCERT Class 6 political science PDFs are sequentially arranged in such a way that they can easily be accessed at any point. They fall in the same order that is seen in the textbooks which makes revision easy.

  • NCERT Class 6 political science PDFs are available free of cost for students to access at any given point in time. Students can also download these solutions and save them in PDF format. This can also be printed out and used as notes. 

Students can also download Vedantu's app and get complete support for the NCERT Political Science Class 6 with a new method of learning through educational videos.

So, what are you waiting for? Head straight to the Vedantu website and start downloading all the solutions right away! You can also download the mobile app to make your learning more exciting! All the best!

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science All Books:

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science (The Earth Our Habitat)

NCERT Solutions Class 6 Social Science( History - Our Past) 

Important Related Links for NCERT Class 6


Importance of CBSE Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life Solutions

As mentioned earlier, there are nine chapters in this section of Class 6 Social Science. These chapters have been included by the CBSE board to develop the basic concepts of society and politics among the students.

These chapters comprise fundamental concepts and principles of how a country runs, following its democratic structure. All the chapters are very important for the students to prepare as they will help to learn the advanced concepts in the higher classes.

To make the comprehension of these chapters easier, the experts of Vedantu have compiled the answers to all the fundamental questions asked in the exercises of all chapters. These answers can be studied and followed during your preparation sessions.

Studying these answers will assist students to follow the right format and score more on the exams. They will also learn to follow an answering strategy to attempt all the questions during an exam and stay ahead of the competition.

Benefits of NCERT Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life Solutions

  • All the exercises in these chapters have been covered by the experts by following the latest syllabus. Students will find the answers faster by choosing the PDF file by following the Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life All Chapter Name from here and can complete preparing a chapter without any hassle.

  • Resolving doubts has never been easier when you have exercise solutions in your hand. Find the files you need, download and store them on your computer to access for the resolution of doubts whenever you need.

  • Develop a unique strategy for answering social science fundamental questions by following these solutions as a Social Science Social and Political Life Guide for Class 6. Learn how to score more in the exams by preparing these solutions along with the notes.

Download NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life Exercises

Study the answers given in the solutions and discover how to answer conceptual questions such as what is Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life. Keep your answers precise and manage your exam time efficiently. Follow how the experts have compiled the solutions and develop your answering skills accordingly. Revise the solutions before an exam to recall the concepts and score more than the class.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions For class 6 Social Science- Social and Political Life

1. Is the NCERT solution for class 6 civics a reliable source for exam preparation?

Yes, it is the NCERT social and political life class 6 is made by professionals and expert faculty teachers with years of experience. All solutions are provided a thorough description and classification of all topics and sub-topics, which will support the students in clearing most of their difficulties. It also includes follow-through and in-depth study of each question which supports the students to learn the gist of the question and prepares them to address a single question in 2-3 different ways. The solutions are created after a precise analysis of the prevailing syllabus, in a way that it can adjust to the understanding of the students.

2. Which chapter of NCERT class 6 political science civics requires more attention?

There are nearly 9 chapters in total for Class 6 Civics. Students must understand the key topics present in all these chapters and work on solving questions regularly as every chapter is equally necessary to score high marks in the annual exam. Significant dates, laws, amendments, and policies are marked in every chapter so that students can learn and follow them easily while writing answers in the exam. The Vedantu provides an NCERT solution for class 6 civics in pdf format. You can take live sessions from expert teachers as well. Visit the website now for downloading ncert solutions for class 6 political science.

3. How can I effectively use the NCERT Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life Book?

Understanding Diversity, What is Government, Panchayati Raj, and other topics are covered in the NCERT Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life book. Students in Class 6 Social Science should study their Social and Political Life textbook thoroughly in preparation for the final test to achieve the desired results. Students will be able to write exact and extensive answers to the textbook questions if they grasp the principles presented in the textbook PDF.

4. What is social and political life according to NCERT Class 6 Social Science?

Social and political life is often referred to as civics, but civics is not the proper term to address the chapters covered in the NCERT textbook of social and political life. Civics is an outdated term for political science. Hence, we must, at all times, refer to it as social and political life and not call it civics. Students should refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Social and Political Life on the Vedantu website or app for the answers to all the questions in the textbook. These solutions PDF can be downloaded free of cost.

5. What is government according to Class 6 Social Science?

The main aim of government establishment in India and the need for government are discussed in Chapter 3 of Social and Political Life Class 6 Social Science. It also discusses the many types of governance. A government is a system or collection of individuals who have the authority to rule a country or state. The government is primarily responsible for setting government policies for the entire society. A government can be a democracy, a republic, a monarchy, an aristocracy, or a dictatorship, among other things.

6. What do you learn from the NCERT Class 6 Social Science book Social and Political Life?

In Class 6 Social Science Social Science-Social and Political Life, students will learn the basics of political science. As political science is introduced to the students of Class 6 Social Science for the first time, you must make sure that you read the NCERT textbook of Social and Political Life Class 6 Social Science very thoroughly. You should also ensure that all the topics, definitions, concepts, and procedures are covered by you as they are very important from an exam point of view.