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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 - Experiments With Water

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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 - Experiments With Water

Chapter 7, Class 5 EVS deals with several experiments that can be performed with water to understand its basic properties. It elaborately covers the topics like dissolving nature of water, soluble and insoluble objects, the difference between water and other liquids, the process of evaporation and more.

In regard to this, NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiment with Water, is exclusively curated by subject matter experts to help in the learning process. The solutions provide interesting insights to these topics with adequate examples, and extensive illustrations so that the students achieve conceptual clarity.


NCERT Solutions for Class 5


Class 5 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 7 - Experiments With Water


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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiments With Water

NCERT Solutions For Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 PDF

NCERT Solutions of Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 is available in easily downloadable PDF links from reputed online educational websites. Students having subscription or registration to these sights need not pay any additional charges for availing the PDFs. These are curated to cover all the topics briefly so that the student does not have to hunt for reference materials and thereby focus extensively on learning.

Some Example of Class 5th EVS Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions

Listed below are some examples of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiment with Water that helps students to learn and understand important topics related to the chapter in a better way.

Class 5 EVS Ch 7 NCERT Solutions Exercise 1: Question 1 and 2

Both these solutions help students learn the objects that will float and sink if placed in water. The solution also elaborately explains the dissolving property of water and the factor of weight force that help certain objects to remain afloat and, on the others, to sink.

Experiments With Water Class 5 NCERT Solutions Exercise 2: Question 1 &2

These two CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Solutions help to practically observe and analyse several experimental steps to understand the floating and sinking property of objects on water. The solutions improve the inference ability of a student as they follow through the steps of an experiment to derive accurate answers.

Class 5 EVS Marks Distribution

The final term paper of Class 5 EVS carries a total mark of 80. These aggregate marks are distributed among various categories of short and descriptive questions consisting of fill in the blanks, match the following choose the correct option, experimental questions having. And others. The MCQ and one-word answers generally have a mark allocation of 1 whereas the long answer and very long answer questions have a marks allocation of 3 and 4 respectively.

Significance of NCERT solution Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 

There are several factors that make NCERT solutions extremely beneficent for students -

  • Covers various categories of Questions

  • Provides Experimental solutions

  • Adequate examples for improved understanding

  • Updated to the latest CBSE curriculum 

Hence, it is imperative that every CBSE Student keenly follow NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiment with Water so that they gain better insight into the subject.


The NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7, "Experiments With Water," offers young learners an engaging and hands-on exploration of the remarkable properties and behaviors of water. This chapter encourages curiosity and scientific inquiry by presenting various experiments that help students understand concepts like water's capacity to dissolve substances, its ability to change states, and its role in supporting life on Earth. By encouraging students to experiment and observe water's fascinating characteristics, this chapter not only enhances their scientific knowledge but also cultivates a deeper appreciation for the essential role water plays in our world. It promotes critical thinking and curiosity, fostering a lifelong love for learning and discovery.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 - Experiments With Water

1. What does the Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 deal with?

The EVS Chapter 7 of Class 5 deals with important topics related to the properties of water, like the colour, taste, melting point, boiling point, etc. It also elaborates on different states of water like ice, vapour. This chapter is mainly experimental and helps students to practically analyse and understand these properties.

This chapter consists of several Experimental exercises that help students to learn about weight force which determines the concept of floatation. This chapter also covers the difference between water and other liquids. Furthermore, they also learn about evaporation and condensation largely through experiments and inference that are provided in the chapter. 

2. What makes Vedantu NCERT Solution special?

Vedantu NCERT solutions are curated by expert teachers who have years of experience in teaching students of CBSE boards. They formulate the answers by strictly adhering to the prescribed CBSE syllabus and question pattern. Furthermore, the solutions provide a detailed illustration of each and every topic with brief definitions, experiments, examples and diagrammatic presentations.

Vedantu solutions are framed with easy comprehensible language suitable for a class 5 student to learn and understand better. Additionally, Vedantu also provides mock test papers and sample solutions for students to practice more and get a better insight into the question types and patterns so that they can adequately answer various types of questions in the exam. 

3. What does Chapter 7 talk about precisely?

Chapter 7, Class 5 EVS, discusses a variety of experiments that can be done with water to learn about its fundamental features. It delves into themes such as water's dissolving nature, soluble and insoluble things, the distinction between water and other liquids, the evaporation process, and more.

In this regard, subject matter experts have prepared NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Experiment with Water to aid in the learning process. The solutions from Vedantu provide students with interesting insights into these themes, as well as suitable examples and thorough illustrations, for them to gain conceptual clarity.

4. What happened when Ayesha flattened dough and sank in water?

Ayesha stood there watching her mother roll the puri out and drop it into the hot oil. The puri slid to the bottom of the pan first, she noticed. The puri rose to the surface and began to float in the oil as it puffed up. One puri did not puff up or float as well as the rest. Ayesha took some dough and rolled it into a ball after seeing this. She pressed it flat and placed it in a bowl of water. Unfortunately, it sank to the bottom and remained there.

5. What happened when soap slipped in water?

Ayesha took a bath in the evening. “Ayesha, you have spilled the soap in the water again,” her mother said as she walked out. Remove it and place it in the soap case.” Ayesha was rushing and the soap case slipped from her grasp. It began to float on water. Ayesha placed the soap in the soap case with care. Even with the soap in it, she noticed that the case continued to float.

6. What happened when Ayesha put salt while boiling eggs?

Ammi had a fever when Ayesha woke up in the morning. Abbu poured some tea and went to Ammi's house to offer her medicine. “You boil eggs,” he told Ayesha. Add some salt to the water as well.” Ayesha poured some water into a pot. She accidentally added too much salt to the water. She noticed the eggs at the bottom of the pot rose a little and began to float!

7. What was the experiment with oil?

Ayesha and Hamid got into an altercation while experimenting. After swirling it, Ayesha noticed that the oil had dissolved in the water. Hamid was adamantly opposed. “Look, the tiny yellow oil drops are still visible in the water,” he added. Ayesha sprayed two drops of oil on her tiffin box's lid. She then added two drops of water and two drops of sugar solution to the mix. She swung the lid open. Some drips slid down fast, but others remained behind. Read more about this chapter on Vedantu. The solution PDFs, revision material, or any study material provided by Vedantu is free of cost.