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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 - The Story Of Amrita

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NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 4: Complete Resource for The Story of Amrita

The journey of learning is often filled with challenges, especially when trying to grasp complex concepts. However, there is a lifeline to aid students in their academic endeavors – NCERT Solutions by Vedantu. Regarded as the finest study material available online, these solutions prove invaluable during exam preparation. Specifically, for Class 4 EVS Chapter 4, they offer comprehensive and detailed explanations, accompanied by helpful labelled diagrams, all conveniently accessible in one place. NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS serve as the ultimate remedy for all study-related predicaments, just a click away! Embrace this empowering resource and embark on a successful academic voyage with confidence.


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Class 4 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 4 - The Story Of Amrita


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Access NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 4 – The Story of Amrita

1. Is there a place near your house, school, or along the roadside, where trees have been planted?

a: Why were they planted there?

b: Have you seen anyone taking care of the trees? Who does this?

c: Have you seen fruits on any of the trees? Who eats these fruits?

d: Lalita feels that grass and small plants growing near her school wall have not been plated by anyone. Do you know of any place where grass, small plants, or trees are growing on their own without being plated?

e: Why do you feel they are growing on their own?

Ans: Yes, there is a ring road near my house, and trees have been planted on both sides of the ring road.

a. They were put in place to provide shade and reduce pollution.

b. Yes, I've noticed someone tending to the trees. He is a government-appointed gardener.

c. Yes, I've seen mangos on a couple of trees. These mangos are typically consumed by children.

d. Yes, grass and small plants grow on their own without being planted along the roadway and in fields.

e. They are self-sustaining because: 

1. Plant seeds are sometimes distributed by wind and animals.

2. They have access to natural sunlight and moisture to help them flourish.


a. Do you remember what the elders of this village used to say?

b. Do you think we could survive if there were no trees and no animals? Discuss this in your class.


a. “Agar pedh hain to hum hain,” the elders of this village used to remark. Plants and animals can live without us, but people are unable to do so.”

b. No, we will not be able to survive without trees and animals since trees provide oxygen and animals are essential components of the food chain.

3. Do you remember that in Class III, you had made a tree your friend? How is your friend now?

a. Why don’t you make a new friend this year? Have you seen how your friends–the trees, change in some ways, in different months of a year? Write about any one tree.

b. Does the tree flower?

c. Do the flowers remain on the tree throughout the year?

d. In which month do their leaves fall?

e. Do fruits grow on the tree?

f. In which months do they grow?

g. Have you eaten these fruits?


a. Yes, I recall, and it has now grown rather large. Mango tree- It may keep its leaves for the entire year. Between January and March, the flower blooms. Mango fruit matures over a period of two to three months.

b. Yes, the tree flower.

c. No, the flowers don’t remain on the tree throughout the year.

d. In the months of September, October, and November, their leaves fall. These are the months that make up the fall season.

e. Yes, fruits grow on the tree.

f. They(mangos) grow in the month of March.

g. Yes, I've consumed these fruits.

4. Why do people hunt?

Ans: The following are some of the reasons why people go on a hunt:

1. To make out a living by selling their skin, teeth, and bones.

2. For the sake of entertainment.

3. To consume them as food

5. There are rules against hunting some animals. People can be punished for hunting. Why do you think there is this punishment?

Ans: Some animals are prohibited from being hunted. Hunting can result in a penalty. People used to hunt animals for food, fun, and to get money from their bones, skin, and teeth, which resulted in many creatures becoming endangered species. Animals play a vital role in our ecology. As a result, they must be safeguarded.

6. Talk to your grandparents and find out – Which birds did they see around them when they were of your age?

Ans: When they were our age, they saw sparrows, eagles, and parrots all about them.

7.  Have the number of some of these birds become less?

Ans: Yes, the population of several of these species has decreased.

8. Are there some birds or animals which they cannot see anymore?

a. Shanti’s grandfather told her that when he was a small child, he saw more birds like sparrows and mynah than he sees today. Can you make two guesses why their numbers have become less?

Ans: Yes, there are some birds and animals such as pink-headed ducks, Indian aurochs,

Indian cheetah etc. which they cannot see anymore.

a. Their number has become less because

1. Deforestation or lack of their natural habitat

2. Hunting.

9. Find out more about these trees from your elders

Ans: Coconut trees are tropical trees that grow in tropical climates. It has a 100-year lifespan. Coconut, its fruit, is a very helpful and important element of our nutrition. Mango tree- It may keep its leaves for the entire year. Between January and March, the flower blooms. Mango fruit matures over a period of two to three months. It has a 300-year lifespan.

NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 - Free PDF Download

Downloading NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 PDF is now everyone’s cup of tea. Download NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 PDF from Vedantu’s website or app. NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 carries simplified solutions and easier explanations by subject experts to all the exercise and in-text questions asked in Chapter 4. If you have homework submissions the next morning or last-minute exam preparations, there is no need to worry.  You can always level up your preparation with NCERT Solutions and emerge victorious with flying colours. Download NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 PDF now.

Chapter 4 - The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS NCERT Solutions

NCERT EVS Class 4 Chapter 4 – The Story of Amrita is the true story of the fearless Amrita Devi Bishnoi and 363 other members of the Bishnoi Community in Khejadi, Rajasthan who sacrificed their lives to protect the trees and the wildlife. Even today, the Amrita Devi Bishnoi award is given to the people recognized for significant contribution or having shown exemplary courage in the field of wildlife protection in the country. 

The text narrates how the villagers led by Amrita Devi hugged the trees to protect them and eventually got slaughtered by the king’s men. Finally, the king ordered that no trees or animals can be harmed in that area. The village still keeps flourishing green even after being situated in the middle of the desert. To read the complete text, click on Download NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 link. NCERT EVS Class 4 Chapter 4 is drafted in such a way that makes the text easier for students to understand, hence making the process of learning better and way more efficient.

NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

The Story of Amrita Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 carries a weightage of 10 marks. It is one of the most important chapters for class tests as well as final assessments. Repetitive study and analysis using NCERT Solutions EVS Class 4 Chapter 4 help you have a clear understanding of the chapter and in return score excellent marks in the exams.

Introductory Part ( 1 MCQ, 1 Short Question )

4.1 Amrita’s Friends (2 Short Questions)

4.2 Trees in Danger (2 MCQ, 1 short question)

4.3 The Village is Protected  (1 MCQ, 1 Long Question)

4.4  About Khejadi Tree (1 Short Question, 1 Long Question)

Why are NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 Important?

Building a solid foundation in the early years of a child’s life will not only help him or her reach full potential but will also result in better societies as a whole.

~Novak Djokovic

  • NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 contains detailed solutions to all the questions enlisted in the NCERT book.

  • The solutions are curated by the subject experts; hence you can rely on NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 for your preparation.

  • NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 has been written in a simple language which is easy for students to understand

  • NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 is a complete package, full of important points, chapter summary, brief and easier explanations, simplified solutions and much more.

  • NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 is like a friend who comes to your rescue during last-minute exam preparations!


Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 - "The Story of Amrita" offer a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. With a succinct 100 words conclusion, it is evident that Vedantu's platform provides an effective approach to understanding the inspiring tale of Amrita and her journey towards sustainability. The well-structured solutions, interactive videos, and illustrative explanations empower young learners to grasp complex concepts easily. Moreover, Vedantu fosters critical thinking and encourages environmental consciousness in students. Through this chapter, children not only learn about biodiversity but also imbibe valuable life lessons. Vedantu's commitment to delivering high-quality educational content ensures that young minds are nurtured to become responsible and environmentally aware global citizens.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 - The Story Of Amrita

1. Write short notes on the Khejadi tree.

Ans: Found mainly in the desert area, the Khejadi trees can grow without much water. It is highly useful for people living in desert areas. Its bark is used for making medicines. People cook and eat its fruits (beans). Its woods do not get affected by insects, hence used for making doors, windows, furniture, etc.  Animals in this area eat the leaves of the Khejadi. The children like playing in their shade. We must preserve the trees around us.

2. The Khejadi tree was the most common tree that grew in Amrita’s village. Which kind of trees can you see a lot in your area? Name two such trees. Find out more about these trees from your elders.

Ans: Banana –The banana tree is found in everyone’s backyard. It is very useful. We eat its fruit. It's full of nutrients. The banana leaves are used on sacred occasions for having food. The flower of the banana is also edible. The tree is also used for decorating houses.

Neem – The neem tree is perennial that means, it can survive for a very long period and has many health benefits. The neem flower is very beneficial and helps in treating body ailments. Neem leaves act as an insect repellent and keeps away mosquitoes.

3. What would happen without plants?

Ans: Without trees and roots to hold soil together, erosion would occur fast and strong rains would readily wash dirt away. Attempting to grow anything on Earth would also be difficult since the soil would be full of hazardous chemicals and contaminants that are typically filtered by trees. All food chains are built on the foundation of plants. Because forests are home to 70% of the world's land animals and plants, the bulk of them would be displaced.

4. What would happen without animals?

Ans: Our existence would be impossible without plants and animals. Animals are an important part of the food cycle. They provide us with food and clothes as well. We tamed several wild animals and turned them into livestock that provided milk, meat, and clothes. The ecological equilibrium will be disrupted if plants and animals vanish from the Earth's surface. Humans, as well as other animal and plant species, are all interconnected.

5. What is the importance of trees?

Ans: There would be no paper, pencils, coffee or tea without trees.More importantly, there would be no food for animals or people to consume. Trees provide us with oxygen. If trees disappear, after a certain period of time, there will be no oxygen available for breathing, and everyone would perish. They also aid in soil erosion reduction by tying the soil to their roots. Trees also absorb CO2 from the air and retain it in their wood and bark, delaying global warming.

6. Why do people hunt?

Ans: Animals are hunted for their flesh, skin, and bones. Few people hunt for survival, while others hunt for pleasure, personal convictions, or passion. Some individuals kill animals to use them for food or clothes, while others kill animals for the challenge and enjoyment of it. People also slaughter wild animals in order to consume their meat. Refer to the Class 4 EVS Chapter 4 NCERT Solutions available for free on Vedantu’s website and app to learn more about this.

7. What is the story of Amrita Devi in Chapter 4 of Class 4 EVS?

Ans: The courageous Amrita Devi Bishnoi and 363 other members of the Bishnoi Community in Khejadi, Rajasthan, risked their lives to safeguard the trees and animals in Chapter 4 “The Story of Amrita” of Class 4 EVS. The people, led by Amrita Devi, clutched the trees to defend themselves but were murdered by the king's troops. Finally, the monarch issued an order prohibiting the destruction of any trees or animals in the region.