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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 - Ear To Ear

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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 - Ear to Ear

Vedantu offers the greatest learning materials that are visually appealing and colourful for your children. Parents may rely on these study tools to help their children grasp the natural world and creatures around them. EVS Class 4 Chapter 2 is a critical yet basic topic that may be simplified even more by using these materials. The vivid and diagrammatic explanations in NCERT Answers for Class 4 EVS by Vedantu are certain to help youngsters grasp the topic. Students will enjoy tackling the crossword puzzles, colouring pages, and other activities provided in the notes. Students will gain intellectually as well as personally.


NCERT Solutions for Class 4


Class 4 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 2 - Ear To Ear


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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 – Ear to Ear


Animals and their Ears

Are these animals looking funny? The artist has drawn the wrong ears on the heads of the animals. Give correct ears to the animals in the space given below.
















2. Name the animals in the pictures.

(Image Will Be Updated Soon)

a. Name the animals in the pictures.

b. Can you see their ears?


a. Sparrow, duck, parrot, crow, hen, frog

b. No, their ears are not visible.

3. Different animals have different kinds of ears. Among the animals given below, which one have ears that you can see? In which animal can you not see the ears? Write in the table below.

Deer Frog Fish Ant Crow Tiger Sparrow Buffalo Snake Lizard Pig Duck Giraffe Elephant Cat

Do you think that the animals whose ears we cannot see, really do not have ears?


Animals Whose Ears We Can See

Animals Whose Ear We Cannot See
















No, I don't believe that creatures with ears that humans can't see don't have them. Ants, sparrows, and other insects do not have visible ears, but they do have them.

4. Find out some other animals which have ears that we cannot see. Write their names.
Ans: The animals that have ears but we cannot see are dolphins, frogs, birds etc.


a. An animal with ears like fans ______

b. An animal with ears like leaves ______

c. An animal with ears on the top of its head ______

d. An animal with ears on both sides of its head ______


a. Elephant

b. Rabbit

c. Rabbit

d. Dog

6. Match the animals shown here with the pictures of their skin. Make the correct pattern of the skin on the picture of each animal


Animals and their Skin

7. You might have seen some of the animals given below.

Fox Elephant Sparrow Pigeon Frog Crow Peacock Pig Mouse Cat Buffalo Duck Hen Camel Lizard Cow

Put The Names Of The Animals In The Table Below:

Ears Can Be Seen

Has Hairs On Skin

Ears Cannot Be Seen

Has Feathers On Skin


Ears Can Be Seen

Has Hairs On Skin

Ears Cannot be Seen

Has Feathers On Skin

































8. In which list did you put the cow and the buffalo? From a distance, can you see the hair on their skin? Try to go near one of them. Could you see the hair?

Ans: The cow and buffalo have been added to the list of animals with visible ears and hair on their skin. We can't see hairs on their skin from afar, but we can see hairs on their skin when we get closer.

9. Can you tell which of the animals mentioned in the list lay eggs? Find out and write the names of these animals in the green box. Which of the animals in the list give birth to babies? Write their names in the red box.


Animals that Lay Eggs

Animals that Give Birth to Babies

















10. Have you seen animals around your house or school that have small babies? Write their names in your notebook.

Ans: Yes, I have seen many animals around my house and school that are having small babies such as monkeys, cats, etc.

11. Have you ever kept a pet? Does anyone you know keep a pet?

Ans: Yes, I once had a pet. Yes, my aunt has a pet.

12. Find out more about the pet.

a. Which animal is it?

b. Does it have a name? What is it?

c. Who gave it this name?

d. What does it like to eat?

e. How many times a day is it given food?

f. When does it sleep? For how long does it sleep?

g. Is there any special way to look after this animal? How?

h. Does it get angry? When? How do you know it is angry?

i. Does it have hair or feathers on its skin?

j. Can you see its ears?

k. Is it a baby or a young animal or a full-grown animal?

l. Will this pet animal lay eggs or give birth to babies?

m. Does it have young ones?

n. Draw a picture of this animal and color it. Give it a name of your own choice


a. It’s a dog

b. Yes, he has a name. His name is Candy.

c. I gave him this name

d. It likes to eat bones, meat and vegetables.

e. I give it food 4 times a day.

f. It sleeps during the day. It sleeps for 5-6 hours.

g. I do a lot of things to take care of my dog, Candy. Here are some of them:

1. I make him bathe after every 2 days.

2. I prevent myself from giving him any sweet food as it gets difficult for him to digest.

h. Yes, it gets angry. If I leave him alone, he gets angry and keeps on barking and doesn’t eat food.

i. Yes, it has hair on its skin

j. Yes, I can see his ears.

k. My pet candy is a young animal

l. No, it will not give birth to babies

m. No, it doesn’t have young ones.

n. This animal is my pet dog. His name is candy.

(Image Will Be Updated Soon)

13. Look at this picture. Color the parts which have even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8…). What do you see? Find out the name of the animal.


Ans: We see an animal. It's a dinosaur.

14. Look at this animal

(Image Will Be Updated Soon)

a. Write its name. Do you know that this is our National Animal?

b. Look at this animal. Where does it live?


a. This animal is a tiger. Yes, I know this is our national animal.

b. It lives in dense forest

15. The numbers of this animal are going down in India. Discuss why this could be happening?

Ans: In India, the population of this animal is declining as people hunt it for its skin. After murdering it, they sell its skin for a very high price. The Indian government has enacted tight regulations and is raising awareness about it. Deforestation may possibly be a factor in India's declining tiger population.

NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 - Free PDF Download

Students can get their free PDF material for Chapter 2 Ear to Ear from the below-prescribed link. The colorful and fun way of learning makes sure that students are glued to these worksheets and thus understanding concepts faster. NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Chapter 2 encourages students to step out and explore nature through the activities provided in the material. Like many of the other materials available, NCERT Solutions do not restrict the children's imagination and thoughts. Rather students are motivated to think without barriers through many interesting activities. Students gain both academic and life lessons.

NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS

Chapter 2 - Ear to Ear

Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 Ear to Ear deals with the difference in the ears of different animals. This helps students identify the ears of different animals. NCERT Solutions provides fun exercises in the form of coloring, crosswords, picture identification, match the following, etc. Students can easily develop an understanding of the subjects through these carefully made worksheets. Along with solutions for textbook questions, these materials also stimulate students to think out of the box. Students won't be any more restricted to think in the same way. NCERT Solutions acknowledges the individuality of each student by providing flexible questions. Identification of animals through other characteristics are also given.

NCERT Solutions for EVS Class 4 Chapter-Wise Marks Weightage

What parents worry about the most is the mark scored by their kids in the examinations. Vedantu understands this and lessens this worry by providing all the possible questions that are asked during examinations in the study material. Apart from textbook questions, a variety of points are also included in the worksheet. Students are made to understand the concept by visualizing it. This makes it possible for the young ones to face any kind of questions during a class or any examinations. Ear to Ear helps students identify different animals and make them understand that animals can have visible, hidden, or no ears.

Why is NCERT Solution for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 Important?

  • The importance of NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 lies in the method of learning adopted in it.

  • The whole chapter is made into notes in a way that helps students visualize all the animals and birds.

  • By the end of this worksheet, students will be able to understand the differences in the ear of different animals.

  • Students are also taught that all animals may or may not have visible or hidden ears.

  • The speed and accuracy of the students are increased exponentially through the wide variety of activities given in the worksheets.

  • Students are encouraged to observe and ask questions about their surroundings through which they can gain a lot more knowledge.


The " Ear To Ear" chapter encourages students to appreciate the value of communication in building relationships, exchanging information, and fostering a sense of unity in society. It also introduces them to the advancements in technology that have revolutionized the way we communicate in the modern world. By learning about the history and significance of telecommunication, students gain a broader understanding of how human interaction has evolved and the role technology plays in our interconnected world. This knowledge can equip them with better communication skills and a deeper appreciation for the importance of effective and respectful communication in their personal and future professional lives.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 - Ear To Ear

1. Among the given animals, which one have visible ears? In which animals' ears are not visible?

Deer, Frog, Fish, Ant, Crow, Tiger, Sparrow, Buffalo, Snake, Lizard, Pig, Duck, Giraffe, Elephant, Cat.

Ans: Many animals have visible and invisible ears. Animals with invisible ears are said to have a hole on side of their head or have aBelow listed are the animals selected from the table as visible and invisible ears.

From the table, the animals having visible ears are:

Deer, Tiger, Buffalo, Pig, Giraffe, Elephant, Cat, Duck.

The animals having invisible ears from the table are:

Frog, Fish, Ant, Ant, Crow, Sparrow, Snake, Lizard.

2. List Down Which of the Animals Lay Eggs. Also, List Down the Animals Which Give Birth to Babies. Write Their Names.

Ans: Animals reproduce their young ones by laying eggs and others by directly giving birth. Thus we can differentiate animals into two categories as egg-laying animals and directly birth-giving animals. We have listed below some of the names of animals.

We have listed the animals which lay eggs:

Frog, Hen, Crow, Sparrow, Peacock, Lizard, Pigeon, Duck

We have listed below the animals that give birth to babies:

Fox, Mouse, Elephant, Cat, Camel, Buffalo, Pig, Cow.

3. How can students be sure that Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 4 EVS are the best ones?

Ans: The perfect NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 have the following characteristics:

  1. They must be prepared by immensely experienced teachers.

  2. They should be as per the CBSE guidelines.

  3. They should be regularly updated to complement the latest syllabus.

  4. They should provide added explanations.

  5. They must be prepared bearing in mind the age group, exam requirements, and ease of understanding of the students.

Thankfully, Vedantu ticks all the above-mentioned boxes. Hence, Vedantu's Solutions are, hands down, the best NCERT solutions you will find online.

4. Where can I download NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2?

Ans: NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 “Ear to Ear” can be easily downloaded by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to Vedantu’s  NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS

  2. Click on chapter 2 Ear to Ear

  3. Click on the "Download PDF" button 

These high-quality authentic solutions are provided at zero cost to the students. Moreover, these solutions can also be downloaded using the free Vedantu mobile app.

5. Do birds have ears? Are they visible?

Ans: Yes, birds do have ears. However, they are not easily visible to us. Birds have tiny ear holes covered with feathers on both sides of their heads. They are invisible to us due to feathers. Such holes are also found in animals like lizards and crocodiles. These holes help these animals in hearing just like the ears of all the other animals. Vedantu’s website and mobile app can be used to find more information and NCERT solutions of Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 “Ear to Ear”.

6. What would animals look like if they had no hair on their bodies?

Ans: As we observe different animals, we find that they have beautiful patterns on their bodies. Hair on the skin is responsible for the different patterns on the bodies of these animals. If the animals do not have hair on their bodies, there would be no beautiful patterns on them. Furthermore, hair on animals has several purposes like helping them to stay warm. Hair also helps them to hide from their enemies to protect themselves and to sense the immediate surroundings for any danger.

7. What kind of questions are asked in Chapter 2 “Ear to Ear” of Class 4 EVS? Does Vedantu provide answers to all of these questions?

Ans: The NCERT textbook for Class 4 Environmental Studies is a fun and interactive book. It engagingly teaches the chapters through a variety of questions and activities. Chapter 2 also has several types of questions including many activities, puzzles, crosswords, picture identification, and matching the following. Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 "Ear to Ear" provides suitable and authentic answers to all the questions and activities. Hence, when students have Vedantu’s resources, they need not look elsewhere for help in their studies.