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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 - Foods We Eat

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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 - Foods We Eat

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 – Foods we Eat, designed by experienced teachers and subject experts at Vedantu as per the latest syllabus of NCERT (CBSE). On Vedantu’s platform you will find all the solutions for the exercise questions covered in the  Class 3 EVS Chapter 6. Notes for this chapter are also available, which will help you to revise the complete topic thoroughly and score good marks in your exams. Vedantu has very well structured study materials and reference notes with lots of worksheets and mock tests. These tests and worksheets will help you to improve your scores in the exams.


NCERT Solutions for Class 3


Class 3 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 6 - Foods We Eat


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English and Hindi

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Access NCERT Solutions for Science class 3 Chapter 6 – Foods We Eat

1. What did you eat yesterday? Write it on the plate.

Menu in table

Ans: Yesterday, I ate paneer, mixed dal, rice, roti, potato fry and a gulab jamun.

2. Did all the children in the class eat the same food items yesterday? Why?

Ans: No, not all of the students in the class ate the same foods yesterday. Because various food items were prepared in each household.

3. You must have noticed that in the picture (Page 36) there is one child in whose house no food was cooked. What could be the reason?

Ans: Yes, there is one child in the photograph whose family does not cook. I believe the cause is that her family is unable to obtain food due to their poverty.

4. Has it ever happened to you that on some day you were very hungry but there was nothing to eat? If yes, why?

Ans: Yes, there was a day when my school's canteen was closed, and I had forgotten to pack my lunch box. I didn't feel hungry at lunch because I ate a big breakfast. During lunch, all of my friends ate their fill. As a result, I was starving. I was starving, so I went to my class teacher and explained what had happened. She was kind enough to feed me.

5. How do you know that you are hungry?

Ans: My stomach was utterly empty. As a result, I've discovered that I'm hungry.

6. How do you feel when you are hungry?

Ans: I want to eat as quickly as possible when I'm hungry. All of my favorite foods come to mind.

7. Why was Dadi not able to climb the stairs quickly?

Ans: Dadi is elderly, frail, and suffering from knee discomfort, which explains why she was unable to climb the stairs swiftly.

8. How does Dadi like to have her dal?

Ans: Dadi prefers her dal with a pinch of sugar.

9. How many people in the story can eat bhutta easily and why?

Ans: Because their teeth are powerful enough to chew maize kernels, the three people in the story can effortlessly devour the bhutta.

10. Can all old people eat bhutta? Why?

Ans: No, most elderly persons are unable to consume bhutta due to the deterioration of their teeth as they grow older.

11. For four months Chhutki will have only her mother’s milk. That is her only food. Why?

Ans: Chhutki will only drink her mother's milk for the next four months because she is toothless and mother's milk is a nutritious diet that is important for the baby's growth and development.

12. Ask your elders and fill in the table.



What can they eat

What can’t they eat


Baby food supplements, Boiled & mashed vegetables and milk 

Fritters, Salads, Nuts


Rice, Roti, Dal, Eggs, Meat, Fish, Vegetables (raw & cooked), Fruits and nuts



Curd rice, Less spicy curries, boiled & mashed grains

Biryani, High protein foods like meat & seafoods and  deep-fried items

13. Put‘✔’  on the things that you eat often.

Rice , Wheat, Barley, Oats, Maize, Millet, Kappa(tapioca), Ragi


Ragi ‘✔’


Rice ‘✔’



wheat ‘✔’



14. Find out where each of these things is eaten more.


  • Wheat – Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh

  • Rice – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal

  • Ragi – Maharashtra, Orissa, Karnataka

  • Millet – Bhatinda, Rajasthan

  • Maize – Uttar Pradesh, Punjab

  • Barley – Rajasthan, Haryana

  • Oats – Punjab, Haryana

  • Kappa – Assam, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh 

15. We not only eat different things, but we also use the same things to prepare a variety of food items. Find out and write what all can be prepared from rice and wheat.

Dishes prepared from rice and wheat


Wheat – Roti, Dumplings, Paratha, Burfi, Halwa, Poori, Pancake, Brown bread

Rice – Rice cake, Idiyappam, Biryani, Khichdi, Pulao, Kheer, Lemon rice, Jeera rice, Idli, Dosa, Mint rice, Fried rice

16. Write the names of three food items you like to eat and three that you dislike.

Like _________ _________ _________

Dislike _________ _________ _________


Like –  Mushrooms curry, Paneer curry, Biryani, Poori, Wada, Chicken fry

Dislike –  Pumpkin curry, Upma, Cabbage curry

17. Are your likes and dislikes similar to that of

a. your family members?

b. your friends?


  • Most of my likes and dislikes are similar to my family members as we all share common food and food interests daily.

  • Few of my likes and most of my dislikes are similar to my friends as their tastes are different from mine.

18.  What are the reasons that decide what we eat? Put a ‘✔’ on them. Add to the list.

a. What is easily available.

b. What we can buy.

c. Customs and traditions.




The following are some of the factors that influence what we eat: 

✔ What is readily available?

✔ What are we able to purchase?

✔ Traditions and customs of eating practice.

✔ The things that keep us healthy.

✔ Easy to cook.

✔ Foods rich in high amounts of nutrients.

✔ Which vegetables are available in their fresh form?

19. Names of some things are given below. Put a ‘✔’ on the things that can be eaten. If there is anything about which you are not sure ask your teacher.

Mark Edible and Non-edible foods


Edible and Non-edible food marked


20. Write the names of some food items that you have never eaten before but feel like eating.

___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________

Ans: Casserole, Corn dogs and Veg lasagne are some food items that I have never eaten before but feel like eating.

Glimpses of Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 – Foods We Eat 

Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 – Foods We Eat teaches us about the different kinds of food that we can eat. There are some foods that we love, like or dislike. Food also differs from culture to culture and from region to region. People eat as per the climatic conditions, culture and tradition. 

Do you know the staple food of our country? It is Rice. Rice is a universal food. It is eaten by almost all across the world because rice nourishes us. 

In Chapter 6 EVS for Class 3, children are discussing the food they ate and what they like or dislike. One child says that he ate chapati made out of bajra with jaggery. Another child says that she ate rice with dal. One child says that he went to gurudwara to eat langar. He ate dal and chapati in langar. One girl said she ate lots of fish that her mother cooked. It was very tasty. One child says that she did not like the kheer with poori that her mother cooked. Instead she ate an omelet. One child’s mother brought noodles for them. 

So we see the different kinds of food that we eat every day. Food gives us energy to work, play and live. Food contains different useful substances called nutrients, which are needed by our body for various purposes. Food habits vary from region to region. The geography of a region influences the food that people eat. The staple or the main food of people whatever grows in the region. 

Food Famous in Different Parts of India

In northern India, wheat grows in abundance and so wheat is the main food. Wheat can be made into chapattis, pooris, and parathas. In the east and south part of our country, rice is the staple food. In south India, people make dosas and idlis out of rice. In many parts of India, where there is less rainfall, people eat millet. Their small grains are ground into flour and used to make chapattis of different kinds. Dal is eaten in almost the entire country and prepared in many different styles. In the northeastern part of the country people eat bamboo shoots. People in West Bengal and Kerala are mostly non-vegetarian. That means they eat fish, chicken. People from Rajasthan and Gujarat are mostly vegetarians. That means they don’t eat non-vegetarian food. Some people are very fond of desserts like halwa, gulab jamoon, rasgulla, etc. Some people even if they like eating, they cannot eat certain food because of health issues. 

In the second section of Chapter 6 EVS NCERT solutions Class 3, we are discussing some kinds of foods that are eaten in other parts of the world. Let us check what people eat in other parts of the world.

Lichen says that she lives in Hong Kong. She and her family love to eat snakes. People in China eat insects and frogs. People from Italy eat pasta and different kinds of cheeses. People from Europe, America eat more bread with pork, lamb and beef. So we see how food habits vary from region to region. 

Importances of NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 - Foods We Eat

NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 - "Foods We Eat" hold significant importance in shaping children's understanding of nutrition and healthy eating habits. These solutions provide a comprehensive insight into the various types of foods, their sources, and their importance for growth and well-being. By elucidating the differences between staple foods, seasonal foods, and special occasion foods, these solutions help students develop an awareness of dietary diversity. Furthermore, the emphasis on the significance of a balanced diet promotes the idea of making informed food choices. Through interactive activities and relatable examples, students are encouraged to develop a positive relationship with food and comprehend the value of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. Overall, these solutions play a pivotal role in cultivating lifelong habits of mindful eating and fostering a foundation for overall well-being.


We have learnt that climatic conditions and culture of a place influence the food people eat. One thing is very important is that whatever we eat, we should eat a healthy and balanced diet. Healthy and good food keeps us fit. Junk food is indeed junk. They don’t have any nutrition value. Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and fat, and low amounts of nutrients and fibers. Junk food might cause health issues. So we should avoid having bad food as much as possible. 

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 6 - Foods We Eat

1. What did we learn about food habits in this lesson?

We learnt that food gives us energy to work, play and live. The geography of a region influences food that people eat. People have different tastes for food. Some people are vegetarian and some people are non-vegetarian. Rice is the main food in most parts of the world. It is cooked in different ways. Most people all over India also eat dal. They cook dal in different styles. Some people cannot eat certain food because of age and health issues. We should eat a good balanced diet. We should avoid eating junk food because it contains less nutrients and fibers. 

2. How can Vedantu help in improving my grades?

You can improve your grades by referring to the study materials and ample worksheets available on our website. There are mock tests also by which you can test your progress with a particular subject. You can reach out to our team of experienced and skilled teachers and subject experts to clear all your doubts or for any other help. They have designed the concepts in a step-to –step method and they are self-explanatory. Students who have availed this benefit from Vedantu have shown remarkable improvement in their grades. 

3. What do we learn about food habits in other parts of the world?

We learnt that people living in Hong Kong eat snakes. People in China eat insects and frogs. People from Italy eat Pasta and different kinds of cheeses. People from Europe, America eat more bread with pork, lamb and beef. 

4. How Vedantu’s NCERT solutions help in self-study?

All study materials for Vedantu’s NCERT solutions are tailor-made and they are explained in a very simple language. Experienced teachers and subject experts have designed the NCERT solutions as per the ability of the students so that they can grasp the concepts on their own. There are relevant diagrams for the topics and the concepts are given in a step-by-step method so that children can understand easily. At the end of each topic there are faqs, which are given based on the concepts. 

5. Where can I find solutions for NCERT Class 3 EVS Chapter 6?

The solutions can be downloaded in PDF format from the page NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Evs. The Vedantu site also offers a wide range of different modules, which can be easily availed by the student to enhance his understanding and at the same time get good marks in all his exams. All the study material can also be accessed through Vedantu app. For more information regarding this, do visit the Vedantu site. 

6. Why is food important Class 3 EVS? 

The food we eat contains vital elements known as nutrients. These provide the body with nutrition. Different nutrients feed the body in different ways. Some provide energy, others assist to develop muscles and aid in the battle against diseases. These are a few of the reasons why food is important for us and how they aid us in our survival.

7. What are the nutrients present in our food?

Carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, lipids, and minerals are examples of nutrition. Since no one meal has all of the nutrients in the correct proportions, we must eat a balanced diet to ensure that our bodies operate properly. Carbohydrates supply energy to the body and children's development also needs a higher protein intake. All others have their own important contributions as well and hence a balanced diet is important.

8. Why are plants called producers?

The major source of nourishment is green plants. Plants supply us with vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, spices, nuts, and oils, among other things.

They manufacture their own food, which provides them with energy to grow, reproduce, and live. Their ability to produce their own food distinguishes them; they are the only living organisms on Earth capable of producing their own supply of food energy.

9. What are the sources of food Class 3?

Plants and animals are the primary food sources for all creatures on Earth. Protein is mostly acquired from animal products, which include fish, milk, meat, chicken, and cheese. Plants, on the other hand, supply us with fruits and vegetables, which are high in fibre, protein, and carbs. Eating a balanced diet with the right proportion of all the nutrients is very important for good health.