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NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 2 - The Plant Fairy

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Practice and Master the Concepts of EVS Class 3 of Chapter 2 with NCERT Solutions - The Paint Fairy

NCERT Solution provides a handy learning material that is easy to understand and learn from. It highlights important topics and explains the concepts through detailed explanations and examples in a systematic manner. NCERT Solutions for EVS Class 3 offers students comprehensive learning and helps to develop the skills along with logical and reasoning skills.


NCERT Solutions for Class 3


Class 3 EVS

Chapter Name:

Chapter 2 - The Plant Fairy


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Vedantu's subject matter experts for NCERT Class 3 EVS Solutions have ensured that the materials they offer are of the highest quality. Our solutions provide thorough explanations and are a terrific resource for students who wish to quickly yet thoroughly review and understand the subjects. Our solutions are the simplest, but the exam is never simple.

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Questions and Answers:

  1. Can you name the plant on which Didi was sitting?

Ans. When all the children were playing, Didi was sitting on the green grass.

  1. The children ran again to touch the trees with thick or thin trunks. Have you seen a tree with a trunk as thick as the one shown in the picture?

Thick trunk Tree

Ans. The game is that everyone has to touch the trees with thick and thin trunks. Yes, I have seen a tree with a trunk as thick as the one shown in the picture. Example: mango tree, banyan tree and neem tree.

  1. Do all the leaves have similar colours, shapes and margins?

Ans. No, all the leaves present in nature have different colours, shapes, and margins. The colour of the leaves is not always green, it can be yellow and red as well. Their shapes can be round, spherical, or oval. Also the length can be short or long. The leaves can be broad, sharp, pointy, small, and big. Hence, they all will not have similar colours, shapes, and sizes.

  1. Collect a few leaves of plants like lemon, mango, neem, basil (tulsi), mint (pudina) and coriander (dhaniya). Crush the leaves and smell them. Do they all smell alike? Can you identify the leaves just by their smell?

Ans. No, all the collected leaves of lemon, mango, neem, basil, mint and coriander do not smell alike. Yes, the leaves can be identified by their smell.

  1. Using dry leaves, make pictures of different animals in your notebook.

Ans. The pictures of different animals using dry leaves are:

This picture looks like an elephant, which big dried leaves:

The pictures of different animals using dry leaves

This picture with dried leaves looks like a fish:

This picture with dried leaves looks like a fish

This picture with dried leaves looks like a mouse:

This picture with dried leaves looks like a mouse

  1. Look at the picture and name the things which have pattern of leaves and flowers on them.

Things having pattern of leaves and flowers

Ans. In the picture given above, the things that have the pattern of leaves and flowers on them are:

  1. The painting on the wall has a flower pattern on it.

  2. The pillow covers have flower pattern on it.

  3. The bedsheet has the flower and leaves pattern on it.

  4. The curtains have the leaves pattern on it.

  5. The dress worn by the girl in the picture has flower pattern on it.

  6. The cover of the book is decorated with flower and leaves patterns.

  7. The carpet on the floor has flowers and leaves pattern.

  1. Look for objects which have patterns of leaves and flowers on them in your house. Write their names.

Ans. In most of our homes, the objects having the patterns of leaves and flowers on them can be: pillow covers, bedsheets, table cloth, carpets, doormats, and paintings.

  1. You must have seen many plants and trees. How many of them can you name? Write their names.

Ans. There are many plants and trees in nature. The most common ones that can be named are: tulsi tree, mango tree, neem tree, banana tree, coconut tree and banyan tree. The plants are rose plant, jasmine plant, sunflower plant and marigold plant.

  1. Are there any plants that you have heard of, but never seen? Which ones?

Ans. There are many plants that I have heard of, but have never seen and these are: saffron, strawberry, grapes, almond, walnut, etc.

  1. Ask some older people if there were plants which they have seen when they were children but are not seen these days.

Ans. The plants that were seen by old people and are not seen today are: Musli, Malabar and Mahogany trees.

  1. Also, ask them if there are any plants which can be seen these days, but which were not seen earlier.

Ans. The plants which can be seen these days but were not seen in olden times are: kinnu and yellow rose plants.

  1. Choose a tree near your school or house and make friends with it. A lasting friendship! What tree is it? Ask some elders if you don’t know.

Ans. The tree is a mango tree. I have made friends with this tree and this friendship will be everlasting.

  1. Would you like to give your friend a special name? What will you name it?

Ans. As mango trees bear mango fruit and it is known as the king of fruits, so I will name this tree as ‘King’.

  1. Does the tree bear flowers or fruits? Which ones?

Ans. Yes, the mango tree bear’s both flowers and fruits. First it produces a flower which gets converted to mango fruit.

  1. How do the leaves of the tree look?

Ans. The leaves of the mango tree are long and pointed at one end. They are not very broad in shape.

  1. Do animals live in the tree? Which ones?

Ans. Yes, many animals and birds live in the mango tree. Squirrels, ants, parrots, sparrows etc, live in the mango tree.

  1. Find out more about your tree friend and share it with others.

Ans. My friend ‘King’ or mango tree gives very sweet mango fruits. Generally, we get mangoes in April, May and June months. Many drinks and fruit juices are made using Mango fruit. An International Mango Festival in the month of June-July is organized by Delhi every year.

NCERT Solutions EVS Class 3 Chapter 2 - Free PDF Download

In times of such tough competition where a student is expected to face new challenges, NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 2 provides an easy and well-planned way of approaching the examination. These solutions help students with better performance. To have a better understanding of the chapter, download the NCERT EVS Class 3 PDF which will give you detailed solutions for the questions given in the exercise of Chapter 2 The Plant Fairy in the NCERT textbook. It is available to download from our website and the app. The best thing is that students can practice questions even when they are offline!

The subject experts are very well versed in the subject so you can rely on these solutions for your exam preparation. The content is well organized and contains the various highlighted points from the chapter. These solutions are based on the latest syllabus and are strictly made by following the NCERT guidelines. Students will find our content easy, self-explanatory, and effective in an application for their respective examinations. Be assured to get detailed and well-described solutions. However, you have to remember that practice and hard work is the only key to success!!


NCERT Solutions EVS Class 3

Evs Chapters

Children at this age understand their surroundings holistically without differentiating what is science and what is not. NCERT EVS Class 3 book offers more of a theme-based study of the environment. The goal of doing this to develop a deep understanding of surroundings and nature through interactive lessons and build an interest in this subject.


NCERT Solutions Class 3 EVS Chapter-wise Marks Weightage

EVS for Class 3 is one of the most important subjects. From Chapter 2 ‘The Plant Fairy’ a lot of questions keep repeating in the exams, for which preparing from these study materials makes students score better. Refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 2 ‘The Plant Fairy’ to solve and learn all the details and important points in this chapter. The paper for EVS Class 3 usually follows a pattern consisting of three major sections namely:

  • Observation.

  • Identification and Classification.

  • Discovery of Facts.

These sections consist of Very Short Answers (VSA), Short Answers (SA), Long Answers (LA). Our PDFs contain all the useful resources required for Class 3 EVS. It contains question papers, test papers along with worksheets for an overall understanding of the subject.


Why are Evs Class 3 Chapter 2 NCERT Solutions Important?

  • NCERT Solution Class 3 EVS provides authentic information most simply.

  • The answers provided cover with the entire topic but also give in-depth knowledge.

  • Usually, Standard 3 students find it difficult to grasp new concepts directly from the NCERT but with our solution, it becomes easy.

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS have been prepared and by our team of subject experts who have provided detailed step-by-step explanations but still keeping the content interesting.

  • The easy language of summaries of concepts and notes can be useful for the last-minute preparations as they can learn in a better and faster way.

  • NCERT EVS Class 3 Solutions come with key points and examples that reduce the effort before the examination, making it useful for quick revision.


In conclusion, NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 2 provide valuable assistance in understanding and mastering the concepts covered in the chapter. These solutions offer clear explanations, step-by-step guidance, and practical examples to enhance the students' knowledge and comprehension. By utilising these comprehensive solutions, students can strengthen their understanding of environmental studies and excel in their academic pursuits.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 2 - The Plant Fairy

1. In EVS Class 3 Chapter 2 ‘The Plant Fairy’, all the Leaves of Plants like Mango, Lemon, Basil (tulsi ), Neem, Coriander (dhania), and Mint (pudina), and many more are Shown. Do all Those Leaves have Similar Colours, Shapes, and Margins?

In EVS class 3 Chapter 2 ‘The Plant Fairy’, many leaves of plants like mango, lemon, basil (tulsi ), neem, coriander (dhania), and mint (pudina), etc. are shown. Although they are leaves, all of them have different shades of green colour and come in different shapes and sizes. Mango leaf was the biggest among all while coriander leaves were the smallest. They don’t smell like. Some leaves can be identified by their smell, for example, coriander and mint have a refreshing smell while neem smells bitter. Lemon leaves smell just like lemons while basil has a subtle but soothing smell.

2. In EVS Class 3 Chapter 2 ‘The Plant Fairy', many Plants and Their Features were Introduced to Students. So Write Down, In Case of Which Tree was the Rubbing of the Trunk Difficult? Why?

Several plants and their features were introduced with interesting information in EVS class 3 Chapter 2, "The Plant Fairy." Mango tree rubbing of the trunk is challenging on trees like Ashoka because of their soft-textured trunks. This is due to the fact that these woods from trees are more easily imprinted by rubbing them against things due to their hard and rough surfaces. Also, they display many exquisite patterns.

3. In Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS, what games were the children playing before the plant fairy game?

In Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS, the children were playing hide and seek and antakshari together. Then, Didi suggested to these children to play a new game called Plant Fairy. In this game, “Plant Fairy,” one person will become a plant fairy, who will call out the name of something, and those playing will have to touch it.  

4. Where can I get the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS?

Visit the Vedantu website or download the Vedantu app if you want to receive the best NCERT Answers for Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS for nothing. Each and every text question is fully explained in Vedantu's NCERT Answer for Class 3 EVS Chapter 2. These explanations are prepared in straightforward language to make it easy for you to understand and help you better understand the material covered in the Chapter.

5. Why is Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS important?

Grade 3 EVS chapter, "The Plant Fairy," is significant because it instils in us a sense of the value of the plants and trees that surround us. We also discover the various kinds of plants and trees that are all around us. There are trees with thin trunks and some with robust trunks. Also, the colours, borders, and forms of leaves vary. In addition, it instructs us not to pick flowers and leaves from plants and trees.

6. How to solve questions for Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS?

You can solve questions in Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS by taking help from Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS. These NCERT Solutions are available for download so that you can access them even without an internet connection for your homework or revision for any test. All the answers have been provided by experts. The answers are precise and accurate. It will give you a very good understanding of the entire Chapter. 

7. How to ace a test for Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS?

You can easily top a test if you refer to NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 3 EVS from Vedantu. The answers in the solutions are given by experts who have used very simple language, so the whole material is comprehensive and easily understandable. You get the solutions to all questions from the Chapter in one place only.